Prophetess Nicole K. Armstrong
Nicole K Armstrong, she is known as a Global Prophetic voice preaching a kingdom message. A native of Kingston, Jamaica and at the early age of seven she accepted the Lord Jesus as her savior. In 1985, she relocated to the United States and resided in New York until she relocated to Atlanta GA in 1997.In 2005 she founded Nicole Armstrong Ministries with two assignments The Glory Encounter Global Gathering and The Empowerment Experience a nationwide yearly conferences. Under the umbrella of NAM-She has also founded “Lady of Virtue (LOV)” A ministry geared towards Educating, Equipping and Empowering women to walk in their God given purpose globally.
She has earned an Associate Degree and a Bachelors Degree in Biblical Education with leadership training from Beulah Heights University in Atlanta GA. She has earned her Masters Degree in Christian Counseling form Pentecostal Theological Seminary in Cleveland TN. Her first book entitled “Kingdom Wealth” was released late spring of 2011 and in December 2017 she released her 2nd book “Destined To Be Great” A 31-Day Empowerment Devotional. She also has her own T-shirt line with inspirational quotes such as “I am A WINNER”, “GLORY”, “Global Shifter” “Wise Women Win”, “Destined to Be Great” and few more.
Included in this sphere of influence as a global speaker she has appeared as a guest on multiple Christian television networks and radio broadcast such as “The Word Network and WATC –TV 57 IN Atlanta GA & Praise 102.5.
She also hosts The Glory Encounter Global Gathering every September at Mobile Convention Center in Mobile Alabama and Lady of Virtue Empowerment Experience every December at Georgia International Convention Center in Atlanta GA.
Nicole Armstrong is a Licensed and ordained Minister under the Leadership of Bishop Dianne Collins of Faith Walk Ministries Inc. located in Riverdale, Ga.She is the proud mother of one son Nicholas Shepherd and He is currently attend Albany State University in Albany GA. Her Life Anthem is "My sole purpose of living is for the glory of God."Nicole Armstrong is a sought out speaker of our time and she can reach on all social platforms under Nicole K Armstrong.